Loreine – Shares Her Burda Style Creations!
10th February 2023

Eileen Shares Her Latest Burda Creation
17th February 2023How can I help positively impact something which seems so out of reach?
How we can make our difference in the current environment crisis and how there is light at the end of the tunnel!
The doom and gloom when it comes to environmental issues on the news may make us feel so many ways. For me personally, it has always made me feel so helpless as it almost seems as though It’s too late to change. They tell us the world is failing and climate is in a crisis, but rarely do I hear solutions or simple ways we can reverse the damage we have all played a part in.
I am not for a minute slating the news as their global platform is being used to show the damage in front of us, Which I feel grateful for but it is up too us as a society too do the research, spread the word and find calm in the chaos.
Here are some small steps I have inhabited in my life too create a more sustainable way of living and make my impact.
1. Switching bottled water for a more environmentally friendly approach!
All I ever drink is water and yes this was previously from plastic water bottles from my local supermarket, Bulk buying them.
As I heard more and more of the urgency of the world, every time I took a sip from this plastic bottle or binned them later, I would feel immense guilt.
I bought a filter jug and a new re-usable water bottle that I decorated with travel stickers. This is now my personal bottle that I refill every time I go anywhere so I have my water on the go and refrain from buying bottles of water and disposing of them, Not knowing the effects this might have later on the planet.
I have gone from purchasing 6-12 plastic bottles a week too 0! Not only will this save pennies but it will also help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released when they are created and stop these bottles washing into the water during the process of disposing of them, which as a result can effect up to 1.1 million marine creatures negatively, each year.

2. Walking (where possible!)
Don’t get me wrong, I love my car. It gets me everywhere! I used to drive almost everywhere! Even too your likes of the beach, Which is around a 8 minute walk each way from my house.
I made the decision that I would try and walk where possible, saving fuel and making a small difference on the planet by creating less air pollution and fewer emissions of Co2, Which is one of the leading factors in warming the environment. The warming off the environment can result in many weather disasters including storms, waves, floods and drought!

3. Intentional food choices!
On my 19th birthday I decided it was time too make a new change as I transitioned into a new age. After 19 years of loving animals, I wondered why it was I decided too still include them in my diet, Knowing what they go through as well as the effects this might have on my body. I have been vegetarian for almost 2 years now and have been made quite aware that not only am I helping the animals, But myself and the environment in the process.
Eating less meat can help reduce the pressure on forests and land used to grow the animal feed, which as a result protects biodiversity, The eco system and the people bearing the brunt of climate change.
The great thing is you do not need too change your whole diet too make a change, Like I did. Why not try, looking at the tasty plant-based options and palm oil free products too protect the forests and the people.
This could be swapping your normal chocolate bars for a vegan palm oil free bar, or choosing plant-based milk instead of dairy, as plant-based milks generate about one third of the greenhouse gases and uses far less land and water.
4. One person’s trash, Another’s treasure!
When I was younger, you would see me nowhere other than expensive clothing stores. As I became older, I realised the true effects certain clothing brands were having on the environment (and the bank)!
Fast fashion is the term used to describe clothing designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores, taking advantage of trends for the outcome of maximum amount of money made. Longevity is not the focus when these items are made.
Fast fashion clothing brands like the big ones you love, have significant environmental impacts on the earth. From the plastic fibres, Wastewater, Toxic dyes and the exploitation of underpaid workers.
By switching too your local charity shop or sites like Depop or gumtree, you’re taking something someone else no longer loves and making it yours! I also think the stuff you find, Are like nothing you’d find anywhere else and if you have a vision, You can make these beautiful buys.
Charity shops are able to reuse or recycle more than 90{6c082c8494c21a03d17f10d863ee8b06d7dc461388e432433da70d4d6afda271} of donated clothing, books and 85{6c082c8494c21a03d17f10d863ee8b06d7dc461388e432433da70d4d6afda271} of electrical goods! This therefore reduces landfill, as it is boosting re-use and recycling. Plus, these stores have a great effect on the bank, as they are sold for amazing prices and the money is all going to a charity, to help a important cause, Win Win!
Despite what seems like scary facts, the good news is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. People are making changes and we are taking responsibility, which we are turning into action.
Animals we thought were extinct are being sited again, Farms are choosing vegan, Wind turbines and solar panels are being seen more often, Electric cars are making a come up and the best news of all, The ozone layer is on the track to recovery!
But let’s not stop here!
Let’s keep acting and finding solution.
Let’s spread the word.
Let’s care for the earth so it can care for us back.