World Turtle Day
23rd May 2022

World Goth Day
24th May 2022The Lake District is a destination for visitors and residents to engage in outdoor activities. A location known for its scenery, hiking routes, and lakes – it is a place for people to find the perfect sport for them.
Climbing is a popular hobby in the area because of the landscapes and numerous indoor facilities. Kendal even has the largest indoor climbing wall in England. Growing up in the Lake district Britt Norman found herself surrounded by people passionate about sport yet was unable to find her sport. That is until she felt inspired by her stepdad who “had been a keen climber for years.”
“I decided to book a beginner indoor or climbing course with PrestonWall in February. It was a small and private session made up of me, my boyfriend, and the instructor. We learned how to safely use a harness, tie a figure 8 knot, auto-belay, and boulder, whilst receiving great coaching and feedback on our technique,” explains Britt.
With plans to complete a 6b climb that she recently failed, Britt enthuses, “my long-term goal is to climb my first 7 and get outdoors with my climbing.”
Friday evenings are now spent climbing with her boyfriend Ben, the couple have found the sense of community amongst climbers to be most encouraging.
“We recently chatted with two experienced climbers, who were very complimentary of my technique, which was a huge boost. Especially when I’m a newbie,” enthuses Britt.
Mental health and sports
Taking time to be outdoors and participate in physical activities can improve mental health. “I find that I can switch off from my week whilst on the wall because I have to be present in the moment”, explains Britt.
In addition to improving fitness levels, taking part in sport is a means to create relationships with like-minded people. An opportunity to learn something new and make friends.
Having fun and confidence are fundamental in climbing. Britt explains, “as soon as I second guess myself with a move, I’ll likely fail it. Saying I can do this, I’ve got this does wonders for me – having self-belief is so important.”
As well as weekly climbs Britt is a “yogi” to help her “mind, flexibility, and balance.” When she isn’t on a yoga mat, Britt can be found at a lake on a paddleboard, a hobby made possible by the vast amount of “stunning lakes and waters” in the Lake District.
Living in such proximity to lakes has allowed Britt to really utilise them. Her latest venture is open water swimming, an activity she tried after countless recommendations from her mum about the benefits. “Like climbing, you are completely present in that very moment and immersed in wildlife, which is beautiful. I have found that open water swimming has improved my mental wellbeing,” she tells us.
In the future, Britt hopes to find a group of climbers she can join on an outdoor climbing adventure. To fully immerse herself in nature whilst doing what she loves.
Feel inspired to plan your own adventure? Browse the collection of climbing and outdoor magazines available.