LEGACY: i-D Magazine – The original cool kid
10th March 2021

Unique Interviews Chris Hodge – Fashion Lecturer
17th March 2021Name: Vicky Knight
Age: 25
Job: Artisan
1. What made you want to be an Artisan?
“I am always doing creative things in my spare time. At school I always took creative subjects and loved the thought of doing something creative as a full-time job, so when I saw the opportunity to be an artisan, I thought it would be perfect!”
2. What do you enjoy the most about your job?
“My favourite thing about my job is the satisfaction of seeing the end result of my work, giving something a new lease of life, and making fashion more sustainable.”
3. What qualifications did you need?
“I started my career as an Artisan as an apprentice and have worked myself up to become Clinic Supervisor. I needed A-C grades at GCSE level to apply for the apprenticeship.”
4. What does a typical day as an Artisan look like?
Every day is different because of the variety of jobs that come through. One day I could be restoring an old vintage case from the 70s and the next completely changing the colour of a Chanel handbag.”
5. What advice would you give to anyone who wants to be an Artisan?
“If you love art and being creative an Artisan role is perfect for you. My advice is to brush up on colour theory and never give up because the outcome is so satisfying.”