Unique Interviews William Johnson – Torro Co Founder
24th March 2022

My Mini Garden
8th April 2022Mindfulness has been a big part of my life, and I love researching ways to live intentionally every day, through small manageable changes. Not only is it about looking after yourself, but also the planet which looks after us. Therefore, Planet Mindful magazine is perfect for me as it teaches me ways I can grow in my knowledge and myself.
You can find information about setting goals and welcoming new possibilities. Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle every day, without thinking about your intent or goals that you’re working to achieve. You get so caught up on the past and future that you don’t think about the present and how much you’ve waited for this current moment or day. This was a reminder for me to review my goals and make sure I’m on the right track and appreciating the journey! Giving yourself recognition is important and this magazine was a great reminder of this.
Boosting the endorphins is vital and setting a routine or priority to do it every day is something we should all be acting on. Inside the January issue were some ways to boost these endorphins through practices such as change in temperatures, seeing the colour blue and making a date with your yoga mat. There were some tips I had never heard before and the yoga one was something I needed to hear. I started a new job in February and the long hours meant I struggled to fit in a thought about getting back into yoga. This was a small reminder of how it used to make me feel and so I decided to take 10 minutes in the morning to get in tune with my mind, body, and spirit. The difference it makes is life changing.
Eco-friendly changes have been on my mind for a while, and I have been trying to implement them into my everyday without it making a dint in my wallet. Within the recent issue, there was low-cost ways to reduce our impact on the environment. From updating the bathroom, changing ways to travel and secondhand clothes (which are super in now), to conversations with friends and sustainable decluttering. This gave me a feel on how I can make small changes, yet big differences. I am a lover of foundation shops with used clothes and always think before I buy, not to mention the clothes are so unique and stand out.
I became vegetarian around one year ago, I am so happy I finally took the plunge. This means I am a sucker for some vegetarian or vegan food, including some fun recipes. This issue included some ways to nourish the soul with delicious plant-based recipes. From smoked mushroom and celeriac tacos to sweet potato and chili dauphinoise with pumpkin seed alguashte. Safe to say the ideas are unique, mouthwatering, nourishing, and full of vitamins. I cannot wait to try them when I’m back in the kitchen.
Planet mindful magazine has helped me embrace every situation in the current moment, take action on small changes for a big impact, live a calm and optimistic life, as well as preparing for challenges. Being spiritual and mindful acts as armour in challenging times, meaning it can be viewed different and we can look at is a lesson with a glass half full mindset. Learn to embrace your emotions, tackle the planets problems, and become the best version of yourself through Planet Mindful magazine.