25th January 2017

Danger Mouse
8th February 2017What’s it about: An exciting chapterbook with added facts and fun.
Where is it from: United Kingdom.
How often is it published: 10 issues per year.
AdventureBox is an exciting magazine for boys and girls aged 6-9 years. Parents regularly comment that this magazine has a different feel to that of other magazines in that there are no adverts or plastic free gifts, and even that the paper the magazine is printed on has a higher quality feel to it.
Each magazine has a 44 page illustrated story full of action, suspense, drama and humour to help develop readers literary tastes. The colourful illustrations on each page engage children’s interest, ensuring they will enjoy the challenge of reading on their own. The cleverly presented text with simple vocabularly allows youngsters to find their own reading pace.
A regular column called “Naturebox” introduces little known facts and fascinating information to help children discover the natural world.
A hilarious comic-strip has funny and mischievous characters involved in wacky scenarios that will take readers on all sorts of escapades and adventures.
A tricky little puzzle section is included, along with word searches and spot the difference. With some mind boggling scientific facts, fascinating topics and interactive activities about the natural world, this magazine appeals equally to both boys and girls.
I found that the stories are involving, well written, and perfect for children who want to investigate the amazing world around us and long for more excitement in a magazine.
Some titles in the series include, “Invisible at Aunt Agatha’s”, “Battle of the pants”, “Mystery Babysitter” and “Spy in a Muddle”. With titles like these I feel like subscribing myself just to see what’s going on! If you would like to discover AdventureBox for your young ones, pop over to Unique magazines and take out a subscription.