Thomas and Friends
19th April 2017

4th May 2017
What’s it about: Chart information, song lyrics, celebrity gossip and fashion.
Where is it from: United Kingdom
How often is it published: Monthly
Some of the DJ’s that featured whilst I was a fan of this programme were Stuart Henry, Simon Bates, Dave Lee Travis and Tony Blackburn. Top of the Pops also featured the lovely dance troupe, Pan’s People. Every Thursday evening my sister and I would wait in anticipation to see our favourite acts performing, with dad muttering in the background about how ridiculous the acts looked (remember it was the days of flares, glam rock and platform shoes).
Top of the Pops Magazine was launched in 1995 and was a spin off from the long running successful BBC television programme. It was marketed as a missing link between Smash Hits and NME magazine, although the format changed gradually to include less music content and a demographic shift to interest the younger female audience. This monthly magazine includes interviews and gossip from and about the big stars,popular singers and showcases albums present in the latest charts.
Some other regular features to be found are “Top of the Shops” which focuses on how readers can discover the biggest bargains. “Don’t miss” highlights popular movies and tv programmes, whilst “Oops” exposes celebrity faux pas photo’s and readers most embarassing stories.
We can also expect to find readers letters, problems pages, previews and reviews on fashion and beauty, posters and song lyrics. The magazine is a teenagers essential link to the world of popstars and celebs. Each issue includes a free gift.
Top of The Pops can be ordered as a single issue, or over a 3, 6, or 12 month subscription. More information on this exciting magazine can be found by visiting Unique magazines website.