Queen Elizabeth
30th May 2022

How to create an eco-friendly allotment plot
30th May 2022How did you get into accountancy?
“I started as a trainee auditor with a big four accountancy practice called Arthur Andersen in 1998, a year after I completed a degree in Business Economics. The role was attractive as it allowed me to study to become a chartered accountant, whilst working on some big plc clients out of the Leeds office.”
Who or what inspires you?
“I am inspired by positive people who want to grow themselves and those around them whilst doing the right thing.”
What advice would you give to anyone interested in getting into accountancy?
“Go for it with your eyes open. The profession is a great place to learn the practical and commercial skills that are key to building a career in business. It’s not about being good at maths though, in fact, technology does all of that for you. In my view, it is a combination of problem-solving, and interpreting data, to help make business decisions today and in the future. You must be a great people person as well.”
What is your favourite part of your job?
“Seeing and helping my team and my clients grow and support them to the best of my ability in whatever it is they have set out to do.”
What has been your most memorable moment to date relating to your business journey?
“There are so many! What really sticks out in my mind though is when I made the decision to leave my last role as an employee and start the journey of starting a partnership to build an accountancy practice, Blu Sky, from the ground up. It was a daunting decision at the time but 100{6c082c8494c21a03d17f10d863ee8b06d7dc461388e432433da70d4d6afda271} the right one!”
What are your favourite magazines?
“Cyclist, Mojo, National Geographic, and Time magazine”
What does the future hold for Jon Dudgeon?
“Striving to maintain the right balance between my family, Blu Sky, and personal development. In other words, watch this space!”